
We don't want to impress, we are not professionals:), we don't want to brag...all we want is to show you our pics and share our passion; all comments are regarded as constructive whether positive or negative:).

marți, 30 octombrie 2012


I couldn't post because of my browser version but... YEPIII!!!!! Now I finally can! BM provided me with some new furniture and I decided to pose two of my favourite girls near the fireplace since it's getting really cold outside. I love the bed and the cute dog as well, not to mention the kitty in front of the fireplace. BM's promised some Halloween pics and I can hardly wait to see them because unfortunately I don't have time to post much anymore...still, I will find a glimpse of time for my girls now and then.

2 comentarii:

  1. Hello from Spain: I love this room with fireplace. These Barbies do not go cold at home. We keep in touch.

  2. Foarte frumoasa diorama. Imi place foarte mult caintele si tabloul Disney Princess de deasupra semineului :p. Mi se par foarte deosebite papusile Barbie brunete. Imi place mai ales cea cu cercei violet
