
We don't want to impress, we are not professionals:), we don't want to brag...all we want is to show you our pics and share our passion; all comments are regarded as constructive whether positive or negative:).

duminică, 14 octombrie 2012

A hard day's work @ the office

Barbie finally found some time to tell me about her job :"Well, what can I's all work and no play"...decide for yourselves. I finally found 3 minutes to take just a few pics to show you the meaning of "hard work"...I wish my job was like that!!!!:))


4 comentarii:

  1. Hello from Spain: I like very much your office. Your furniture is awesome. Great photos. Keep in touch

  2. Imi place mult biroul si calculatorul. Foarte detaliat, are si mouse si de toate :). Imi plac mult dioramele tale. Mereu o sumedenie de mici detali

  3. Multumesc Doru, pc-ul e de la Laura...cred ca inca mai are un set disponibil. Nu am eu atatea detalii cate mi-as dori, asta din lipsa de spatiu si nu in ultimul rand de timp! (in ultima vreme doar vreo 5 minute pe saptamana:)) )
