
We don't want to impress, we are not professionals:), we don't want to brag...all we want is to show you our pics and share our passion; all comments are regarded as constructive whether positive or negative:).

vineri, 31 august 2012

The 4ever-untidy room.....

When she dropped by, BM took a few photos of my doll room....she decided to go through my stuff and trust me, it didn't look tidy:). I'm even surprised she kept the photos. Personally, I don't think I have that many dolls, especially since I presently have no more than 50-60 NRFBs and 50 or in good condition (no box). Thank God she didn't open all the closets:)), all the furniture for which I haven't found a place yet is stored there.Take a look!

On the top right you can see my other kids, My Monchhichis - how I love them -, the majority of the collection being given to me from...guess who....BM!

I will probably change the furniture in this room ( it has been mine and my brother's for many it's all mine and I can change it however I choose!!!!!!! soon as I find funds - an enchanted wishing well perhaps - in order to complete such a pricy operation:)) )

9 comentarii:

  1. In sfarsit m-am prins cu sa postez comentari la tine pe blog. Imi plac foarte mult pozele. Mereu imi place sa vad cum isi organizeaza alte persoane colectia. Sper pe viitor sa am si eu o camera dedicata papusilor. Felicitari pentru Great Eras, vad ca ai multe din colectie. Ce papusa e cea cu cutia neagra triunghiulara? Sunt curios ca nu am mai vazut astfel de cuti. Foarte marfa camera si colectia. La cat mai multe rafturi pline pe viitor :))

    1. voi face zilele astea si eu cateva poze....colectia mea e destul de simpla,neavand mobilier...dar sper sa postam si poze din colectia mea...

  2. Sunt luckyu si happy ca am intreaga colectie Great Eras, toate cele 10 papusi (cel putin eu atata stiam ca sunt la numar), cat despre cutia triunghiulara, e Winners Circle Ken Art Director:)

  3. sabina sunt mai multe papusi....daca pui al socoteala si bebelusii si fetitele,recomand tuturor sa admire colectia,e colectionez numai engrese si asiatice,insa colectia sabinei,te lasa cu gura avut privilegiul sa pun mana pe cutii ,pe papusi,mi-am retrait copilaria...

  4. Na,nu le-am numarat la fix si ce-i drept,am exclus din estimare Kelly si bebelusii Rosebud si cei Krissy:)

  5. si eu trebuie sa imi pozez colectia,sa apara ambele variante,adica si coelctia ta si a mea....doar ca a mea e plicitsitoare,neavand mobilier ...voi face poza si pe urma decidem..

  6. Ar trebui Alina sa faci si u poze cu colectia. Sunt multi colectionari care nu se ocupa de diorame si au doar papusi. Asta nu face o colectie mai plictisitoare.
