
We don't want to impress, we are not professionals:), we don't want to brag...all we want is to show you our pics and share our passion; all comments are regarded as constructive whether positive or negative:).

joi, 22 martie 2012


Ah....snowdrops are here to announce the arrival of beloved Spring! As you may know, dolls adore flowers, therefore BMarylin's girls couldn't stay away from this lovely bunch of snowdrops!Enjoy!

2 comentarii:

  1. Pe negresa mireasa o am si eu e foarte frumoasa. Din pacate a avut parul taiat de la inceput si ma tot gandesc ca o peruca i-ar veni bine.

  2. Sa stii ca mi se pare deosebita negresa...personal, stii bine, nu am niciuna in colectie,noroc de prietena mea ca-mi mai clatesc ochii:))Sunt convinsa ca vei gasi tu o coafura sa-i stea bine!
